事实上中国确实未予理会,因为它明白孟湘君(Michele Geraci)近日,中国无需在意美国加征关税。责任编辑,张东方,而另一方面,这对美国经济损害更大。
会发现举步维艰,宫宏宇,加征关税使西方政府与本国企业之间的关系紧张,西方政府正给自家企业制造重重障碍,在博鳌亚洲论坛期间接受中新网专访时指出。(杰拉奇 意大利经济发展部前副部长米凯莱)
China should not respond to the U.S. government tariffs because they will hurt more the U.S. economy, said Michele Geraci, an economist and former undersecretary of state at the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.
Geraci made the remarks in an exclusive interview with China News Network during the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2025 held in Boao, South China's Hainan Province.
He stated that the tension caused by tariffs is not between East and West, but between western governments and western companies as the western governments create many problems for their own companies.
"When these companies want to do business with China, they find it difficult because their own governments create problems," Geraci noted. (Gong Hongyu Zhang Dongfang)
《世界观:美国对华加税,意大利前高官|将反伤自身经济》(2025-03-31 02:25:48版)